Dwelling At the Well thanks you for your generous donation! You are helping us reach out to, advocate for, and support women in need. All donations go towards helping us provide programs and services for women with alcohol and substance abuse disorders. DATW is a registered 501(c)(3) non profit organization.
When donating, please let us know what your donation is for.
1. Type "General Donation" if you just want to show us some love and support.
2. Type "[Event Name] Ticket" If you are buying a ticket to one of our community events or fundraisers (i.e. "SPA DAY Ticket" or "Mother's Day Fundraiser Ticket").
3. Type "Goody Bags" if you want your money to be used to buy goods to pass out to women during our Team Street Outreach events.
4. Type "Bus Pass" if you want to help us provide 3-day ($15) or 7-day ($20) CTA (Chicago Transit Authority) unlimited bus passes to women.
5. If you don't let us know what the donation is for, we will assume you want to make a general donation - and we appreciate it!